Morning Lemon Drink

* I am not a physician, nutritionist, or any other medical professional that can give any credit to this recipe. I’m just a girlfriend sharing what works for me. Consume this drink after talking to your health professional.*


Last night I experienced food poisoning on top of fighting a common cold and I’m pretty convinced I was seeing the light. However, God seems to have bigger plans for me because here I am typing up a natural remedy for my daily body reset.

For the past 7 months I have been whipping up this morning drink and although my consistency in consuming could be better I like that it incorporates all the ingredients I use to take regularly but in separate form (i.e. ginger, apple cider vinegar, lemon water). Y’all know how terrible apple cider vinegar is as a shot, I don’t care what anyone says, you never get use to that taste. Never.

The hardest part for me is the 20-30 minutes steeping wait so make sure to give yourself enough time. I usually wake up, head to the kitchen, mix all the ingredients together, then let it sit while I take a shower and dress for work. By the time I make it downstairs its ready to be poured into a glass.

What kind of drink do you incorporate into your mornings? Is it a full glass of water? Warm lemon water? Tea? Apple Cider Vinegar shot? Coffee? Share in the comments below. I’d love to know!


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Boil 2 Cups of Water (16 oz). Once water is at a rolling boil, turn off heat + add 1 whole sliced lemon.

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Add 1 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar

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Add 1 Tbsp. Organic Raw Honey

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Add a few dashes of turmeric, a pinch of cayenne, and 1/2 tsp. minced ginger. Let steep for 20-30 mins.


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