2022 Fall Bucket List: Create a Fall Candle + Order a Pumpkin Spice Latte

This weekend was big!

Saturday, October 15th was the third Saturday which hosts one of the biggest games in SEC football. The University of Tennessee Vols beat the University of Alabama after 16 years. It all came down to one field goal, wish my dad could have been alive to see it.

Saturday was also the day I bravely hung up the Palm Orleans wallpaper in my closet. This was the first time I had ever worked with wallpaper and truthfully, I learned a lot. My advice; 1. Utility knives are to remain extra sharp thru the whole process, 2. Whatever your game plan is forget it. In my 1950’s house there is plaster drywall, years of holes to patch, and walls that are neither straight nor flat. 3. Never hand wallpaper on a day when your SEC football team is playing a rival. It was hard to hang and run back to watch the game every time my husband yelled.

Sunday I made plans to meet a fellow (local) Junior League sister. We decided to make a candle at our local Candleloft. I had never tried this before, but as you know, it was on my fall bucket list.


The atmosphere is so pretty and the facility is very clean, as well as organized. The staff greeted us right away, handed us clipboards, and gave our step one instructions to smell all the candle scents on the wall, write all our favorite scents in the Step No. 1 lines area of the worksheet, and our last task before sitting down included picking the glass candle container we would pour our candle in.

After Step No. 1 was completed, one of the staff members would welcome you to the workstation bar where more smelling and mixing would begin. We were instructed to mark the six scents that jumped out at us, only by name. Those oils were pulled and we spent our time sniffing all 6 scents to try and narrow down what would create our candle. I knew I wanted a fall scent so I picked Autumn Leaves, Baked Bread, Bourbon, Pumpkin Spice, and my two super favorites were Magnolia and White Tea.


After more sniffing and discussing what I wanted my candle to be throwing as a scent it was decided… pumpkin spice, bourbon, and cedar (which wasn’t even on my original list) won out. The little jigger in front of the bottles needed to be filled to the very tip top so more pouring, mixing, and sniffing happened as well as creating a bottom label.

When the jigger was full the wax was pored into a measuring cup, mixed again, and poured into our glass candle container. Pick up was in a half hour so my new Junior League friend and I took a tour of my side of town. We stopped by Buff City Soap, drove through downtown while I pointed out good restaurants or places to shop, and looped back into town for a coffee.

Pick up was really easy, especially since the staff had just seen us previously. The CandleLoft bag held our candle, worksheet, and a care card with instructions to not burn our candle for 5 days. We both really had a great time and kept us busy enough to break the ice.


And that was it… a fun day making a new friend while marking off two fall bucket list goals.