What's In My Tennis Bag


This was the year I decided to embrace Tennis.
I’ve always loved the sport, even sponsored a Tennis team when living in Europe.
In February I got terribly sick and in my sickness induced haze I saw a personal advertisement from United States Tennis Association (USTA) giving a 5 week lesson package for $50, so I signed up.
That once a week lesson turned into a lesson with USTA on Mondays, a private lesson at the country club, and a game or two with friends.

One thing I noticed is the lack of tennis bags and the frequency with which I grabbed my own.
I’ve received a few complements on my bag and interest with what I might be carrying so I decided to make a list and share it here.

Everything I carry is due to being in situations where the item was needed
(like eye solution when the wind kicks up unexpectedly and you get dirt in your eye).
Of course what you pack is completely personal but, hopefully, it gives some idea what a novice player with 3-4 days a week from spring to fall on the courts has needed.

What do you carry that I don’t? Tell me in the comments!

The List

  1. Water Bottle
    Please, never forget water.

  2. Tube of Compressed Tennis Balls
    These type of balls end up needing to be replaced eventually once the top is peeled back but they are my favorite to play with. Great bounce and pretty light.

  3. First Aid Kit
    Falling happens

  4. Liquid IV
    Tennessee gets so hot and stays that way, even in the evening hours. I carry powder Liquid IV for myself and my friends just in case water alone isn’t cutting it.

  5. Workout size Towel

  6. Extra Hair Tie

  7. Travel Size Eye Solution
    Dirt in your eyes can really kill your game.

  8. Back Up Sunglasses
    I rarely wear them unless there is a bright glare on the courts, always a back up to my baseball cap.

  9. Sunscreen
    No one wants a sunburn ruining next weeks games.

  10. Bug Repellant Wipes
    If you live in the south like I do you know. The height of bug season is the worst so protect yourself.

  11. Baseball Hat
    I prefer baseball hats over visors or sunglasses mostly for the sun protection and to keep the sweat out of my eyes.

  12. Two Racquets
    This will be your biggest investment. I’m a Wilson girl, my husband prefers the Head brand. What brand you use really depends on personal preference. We were both fitted for our gear in El Paso, Texas and it has really made all the difference.

  13. Racquet Dampeners
    Want to save your forearms? Grab a pack of dampeners. They can seriously change your game and how sore your arm can be from the vibrations of the ball hitting your racquet, think of them as a little shock absorber. Place it in the strings of the tennis racquet, usually near the throat. The throat of your racquet is just above the handle.

  14. Grip Tape
    I carry a pack of tape just incase my racquet handle needs a re-wrap. Rarely do I use this while on the courts, especially since carrying two racquets means you can just change them out if strings or tape are in immediate need of replacement. In my photo the pink and white Hope racquet is going to need a rewrap very soon, just good to have on hand.

  15. Energy Gel
    Used by runners, especially long distance. You are a sprinter for the next couple of hours in a game so grab a gel incase you need an energy boost.

  16. LuLuLemon Belt Bag
    where I keep my keys, wallet, and phone